Leadership Barbour
Leadership Barbour brings together individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences who have a demonstrated talent and commitment for leadership. Through this program, these individuals have an opportunity to become more aware of the dynamics of the social and economic changes which impact our community.

Through face-to-face discussion with present leaders and experts from organizations and institutions that help to form the structure of our community, these specially selected individuals develop an in-depth understanding of the community climate.
Through planned interactive experiences, the participants broaden their communication and problem-solving skills. These learning experiences form the basis for a distinctive group identity, unlike other development programs.
What are the goals of Leadership Barbour?
Leadership Barbour is designed to identify, prepare and build upon leadership resources within our community. the objectives of the program are:
• Stimulate the interest and awareness of program participants and encourage a team approach to solving community problems. This approach gives participants the knowledge that responsible and responsive leadership is created through the efforts of citizens who often have differences of opinion and diverse views.
• Improve participants’ understanding of their individual roles as well as the diversity of leadership styles and skills required in solving complex community problems.
• Develop and expand the participants’ capacity to communicate and interact with one another, community leaders, and fellow citizens; and to form a network of cooperative community involvement.
Who is eligible to participate?
Leadership Barbour seeks participants from all sectors of the community: agriculture, education, business, law, medicine, neighborhoods, social service, the arts, government, religion, and so on. Participation is open to all races, nationalities, ages, and genders.
Leadership Barbour does not “train people to be leaders.” It is designed for those who have already shown themselves to be leaders in one segment of the community or another. It does not take public policy positions or serve as an advocacy group for any cause. Because of its neutrality as an organization, the true impact of Leadership Barbour is felt through the actions of its individual members, who agree that their shared experiences have had a significant influence on their leadership roles in the community.
What is the program?
The Leadership Barbour Program consists of various one-day sessions over a nine-month period beginning with an orientation/team building session. Each subsequent session provides an analysis of major areas of identified community concerns as well as train the participants in specific leadership skills. There are opportunities for decision-making and problem solving through group processes. Class members meet with leaders from throughout the community to discuss the issues.
Leadership Barbour is a program designed to develop the leadership potential in our community and is modeled after similar leadership development programs in the state/nation. It is self-sustained through tuition, scholarships, and corporate support and is governed by a steering committee drawn from throughout the county.